Your Guide To Pivoting Into Climate Work.

In climbing, “Beta” is the inside scoop provided by experienced climbers: The best route and the right moves to reach the top.In Climate careers, The Green Beta is the same: A community built around real connections with high achievers, expert guidance, and a clear path to land a Climate job.

What You'll Get

Expert Guidance.
Get actionable advice (aka "Beta") from professionals who’ve already made the leap into Climate. Don’t waste your time making the same mistakes we did. Let us show you the exact steps needed to land a job in 2025.
A Supportive Community.
We’ll connect you with a subgroup of 4-5 other likeminded professionals who you’ll meet with weekly. This new group of Climate friends will be there with you every step of the way to help you celebrate wins and learn from losses.
Accountability & Feedback.
Join a community where members hold each other to the highest standards. Regular check-ins and real-time feedback help you stay on track and achieve milestones.
Lasting Relationships.
Beyond just landing a job, you’ll create meaningful relationships with ambitious, values-driven professionals. These are bonds that will serve you not only now, but throughout your new Climate career.
Incredible Value.
By stripping out the climate science education component of most Climate career programs, we’re able to offer you the lowest cost membership of any Climate career accelerator.

What We Believe

No One Wins Alone.
Everything we do, from solving the Climate Crisis, to landing a new job, we do in partnership with others. As soon as you put your oxygen mask on, you turn to help the person beside you.
Climate > Everything.
There is no more vital work than solving the Climate Crisis — If we don’t solve this, nothing else matters. We champion people who want to devote their careers to making the future sustainable.
Action Cures Anxiety.
The only solve for Climate anxiety is Climate action. We seek out doers and high-achievers who embrace an internal locus of control. Each of us has the power to transform our own circumstances, and set an example for the next person.
Alignment Eliminates Friction.
By working in alignment with your values, you eliminate the friction created by constantly questioning why you’re doing what you’re doing. Eliminating that friction not only makes you happier, it also makes you more effective.

Who Should Join

You Know Climate Can’t Wait.
You’re convinced the Climate Crisis is urgent, and you want your work to help solve it.
You’re Biased Towards Action.
Instead of overthinking, you dive in. You learn on the fly and grow as you go.
You (Want To) Live And Work By Your Values.
You want a career that aligns with what matters most to you — and you’re ready to make it happen.
You Share Success.
The desire to help others is innate to who you are. You share the Beta with the person behind you.
Our program isn't perfect for everyone. If you're looking for help and don't feel like this is the right fit, check out these other programs:


  • Climatebase

  • Climate Drift